Raymond has identified himself as dyslexic and autistic which he firmly believes has helped him with his entrepreneurial professional life. Later in life he then received a professional diagnoses for both.
In August 2017 he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Prostate Cancer and in typical fashion approached it like a project. He kept a blog which he eventually created his first book from which was published second, don’t ask it’s a long story! It is a humorous yet chillingly insightful piece of work allowing the reader into the mind of a cancer patient. The book is titled “Taking The Pi55 Out Of Cancer.” All monies raised from sale of that book are donated to The Marie Keating Foundation. His first published book which he write second, told you it was a long story was donated to UNICEF Ireland and all monies raised from it sales are donated to them.
Raymond believes his life experiences make him an ideal Keynote for any event as he not only survived cancer but also sexual, physical and mental abuse as a child. His mantra is, we have bad days to make us realise just how great the good ones truly are!
Husband, father to 2 daughters, Pappy to 4 and slave to 3 dogs (Mr Buttons, Miss Holly and little Roo).
Raymond Poole is someone who helps individuals realise their true potential even though they may not realise just what that is themselves. He has a track record of mentoring and coaching high performance teams within global organisations to deliver significant savings across their business unit.
His speaking engagements to date have very much focussed on breaking down the misconception that Project Management is something that one only engages with when wearing a hard hat, high vis and steel toe capped boots!
He is the founder of one company (PMIS Ltd) and the co-founder of second (PM Summit Ltd.) Both are companies that are involved in the development of individual’s personal skills helping to increase their core competencies and capabilities.
He is an individual who very much sits outside the box and stretches boundaries, not one to shy away from a challenge or provide the message that perhaps others would back away from. He knows that a square peg does fit into a round hole!
Raymond commenced his career back in 1980 as a Junior Draughtsperson, upon reflection it was that early training that provided him with the ability to stand back and look at the bigger picture but never losing sight of the detail. Since those early days Raymond has invested in his further education and has the following qualifications:
MSc of Project & Program Management
Diploma in Municipal Engineering
Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution
Certificate, Management & Development Programme
Certificate, Training & Continuing Education
Feel free to connect with Raymond on LinkedIn.
“The morning you wake and dread going to work is the morning you need to re-evaluate what you do for a living. Don’t waste your life living someone else’s perception of what you should be, do what instils passion within you and brings you joy.”